Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Songs of Praise

Nothing is more uplifting then a great song. A song's inspiration does not come from conveying an intellectual idea, nor is it the excitement of hearing something for the first time; as an old song awakens the spirit perhaps even more then a new one. The song's power is it's abilty to allow the soul to express itself.

Therefore, when the sages instituted that we praise Hashem during prayer, they called the verses of praise "verses of Song". For Hashem's praise must be sung. Like my favorite song, it awakenes my heart every time I sing it. Therefore, although I read the same prayer every day, it never failes to refresh my spirit and touch my heart.

Just like my favorite song.

(Torah Ohr, Bishalach)

1 comment:

Anthemites said...

Fascinating concept!