Thursday, September 17, 2009

The Rebbe's Biurim to Pirkei Avos

I have spoken at length to my wife about my pet peeve, learning the Biurim of the Rebbe to Pirkei Avos. I love them but I can' sit through another Biur between Mincha and Maariv Shabbas afternoon. I thought at first that I didn't really like them but my wife clarified to me that the truth is that they are just presented so badly. Would we ever think of giving a shiur from Biurim L'Pirush Rashi Al HaTorah? Certainly there are some Sichas which are readily teachable but when you are being religious and going through the cycle for the second and third times it's a little much. And the worst part is that Pirkei Avos has a wealth of lessons that everyone can relate to, it is the second most elucidated book after the Haggadah, why are we closing everyone off from some of the stuff which relates to us so well.


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Menachem said...

“Aderabeh” begin to post the Biurim in your own words; I’ll be glad to read and offer my (humble?) feedback.