Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tzaddik vs. Beinoni

What is the difference between the Tzaddik and Beinoni?
A Beinoni can't sin and a Tzaddik can't sin. A Tzaddik can't because he loves Hashem so much that he abhors sin. Yet the Beinoni does that too, by davening! He loves Hashem so much that he puts his taavos to sleep.
So why is it not just a quantitative difference, by the Beinoni the love is for davening and for the Tzaddik all day? And why can't a beinoni love Hashem all day? Is that out of his hands?
Of course this can't be right because there is a beinoni who loves Hashem all day and is called the beinoni who davens all day, and he's no Tzaddik.
So is it that when you strip the tzaddik of everything, of all his avoidah, what do you have? Someone who loves Hashem. When you take a Beinoni and strip him of his avoidah, what do you got? A baal taavah.
Is that the difference?


Menachem said...

The Tzadkik loves Hashem with his entire being, while the Beinuney has some part of his heart that does not love Hashem. The Beynuney who manages to love Hashem all the time, still cannot love Hashem with all his heart, for there is some part of his heart, although it may be asleep, that enjoys worldly pleasures; and one heart can only fully love one thing at a time.

Anthemites said...

But isn't that a tzaddik sheinoi gammur? Someone who "has some part of his heart that does not love Hashem" as you put it?

Menachem said...

The line between the Tzadik Vitov Lo and the Benuney is indeed very vague, causing Rabbah to mistakenly refer to himself as a Beynuney.
Perhaps the difference is that a Beynuney must “pray all day” to keep his animal soul asleep, he must actively distract it, while the Tzadik Vira Lo has no animal soul to distract, he does however have “soiled garments” - some form of connection to worldly pleasures, left over from his animal soul before the animal soul was transformed.

Simons Kingston said...

If one does Teshuvah then one is a Tzaddik Gamur and if one keeps himself on the right track for awhile he is a beinony, until he messes up and then he can become a Tzaddik again.
So even a Beinony can become a Tzaddik Gamur!