Tuesday, February 26, 2008

JLI lesson 4

The first principle - A first cause.

The first cause.

The big bang explains everything. Except for the point that may be the most important, the first cause. This first cause is what “forces” us to say that there is a being who was always here and his existence is MECHUYAV HAMITZIUT – he must exist, otherwise you have the to explain what caused that to appear. Because everything must have a cause, except for the original cause whom we call G-d.

The second principle – G-d is one.

That same reasoning “forces” us to say that this existence that “must exist” is one, that he is not combined of many details, otherwise you get back to the original question of who caused the different details to come together.

G-d is one, he is not composed of many details.

The revelation and concealment-limitation are both expressions of the same G-d, both of them express G-d’s greatness.

A child thinks his parents are totally inconsistent. Some times they love him and at other times they are mean to him, they must be very confused.

The truth is that both the expression of love and the expression of discipline are one and the same. The child may view the discipline as a concealment or absence of the love, but it is really one and the same.

The same is true with G-d.

Both his expression via miracles and concealment are both expressions of his greatness.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Had to share

So you start asking, "Where am I connected? Look at all the stupid fantasies playing incessantly in my mental meTube...?"

For more http://www.chabadaz.com/multimedia/kabbala_toons/default_cdo/aid/639471/jewish/Episode-XXV.htm

Sunday, February 24, 2008



Words, what are they? Do they have any impact? Is that why I want to write? I don’t want to take the message to heart, so I put in on paper?

Or is the writing sharpening the message? sharpening its point to allow it to penetrate through the body straight to the heart?

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Lawyer

If I ever need a lawyer I’ll hire Mosses.

Look at the story of the Golden Calf. Moses has an impossible case. Just forty days after the greatest revelation of all times the Jews create and serve the Golden calf. G-d decides to punish them.

Moses does not waste any time. His strategy is simple, offence. He does not say one word in defense of the Jews, he does not plead for forgiveness, He is on the offensive. Hey G-d, why are you loosing your temper? Let me remind you these are the people you love so just relax.
Oh, if you dare punish the Jews you will have a big PR problem on your hands, what do you think this story won’t hit the Egyptian press?
And don’t forget you promised the patriarchs that you will look after their children, that you will multiply them as the stars of the heaven.

In summary:
You must control your temper.
You must not make a bad reputation for yourself
You must keep your promise.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Who Is Your Best Freind?

The Mishanah says "purchase a friend for yourself". Invest time, energy (money?), anything it takes to have a meaningful friendship.

In Hayom Yom this statement is interpreted to mean "the pen shall be your friend. (The Hebrew word KINEH means purchase while KANEH means quill).

I am reading a book that is a collection of essays from different writes on the question "why I write". Some of their reasons are more interesting then others.

Here is my reason, I write because we are friends.

We like to spend time together. We like to hear each others opinions and feelings. When I am in a bad mood I know I have a friend who I can go to who wont ask me "why are you putting me in a bad mood?". When I get lucky he will truly be happy for me, I don't have to worry about him being jealous. If I want to share a taught, to get a friends reaction and a second opinion, I just write it down and the page gives me the most honest feedback I can expect to get.

So like any other friendship it's hard to define exactly why we spend so much time together. Or why we share so many secrets. But the most important thing is, we know that as true friends we will always be there for each other.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


A great story to keep on file.

A famous Rabbi (named withheld upon request) was testifying in court. The attorney asked him “is it true that you are one of the foremost experts on this topic?” No, the Rabbi responded, I am THE foremost expert on the topic. Is that not a little arrogant asked the attorney. The rabbi responded “I am under oath”.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

The First Believers

Who where the first believers? Well G-d speaks to Adam. He speaks to Noah and to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So they didn't really have to believe, they spoke to Him! So I guess the first believers where the idol worshipers.

Just heard from Rabbi Manis Friedman

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

JLI Beyond Belief – Introduction

JLI Beyond Belief – Introduction

There are aspects of reality that can be understood and others that we can’t understand. For example we can observe the laws of gravity yet we don’t understand its essence.

Belief works the same way. There are certain logical observations that lead to the conclusion that there are things beyond our understanding.

The unconscious mind was introduced to western science by Freud, Judaism has been saying for thousands of years that there is a subconscious mind. How do we know the subconscious? Do we know its essence? Or are there certain indicators such as dreams that tell us that there is more then what our conscious mind perceives.

What is life? It can be observed and it can be tested, yet it can’t be defined. So what is it?

If you conclude that you have a soul, a spiritual force that can’t be defined, are you rational or irrational?

To ignore anything that can’t be understood may be the biggest missed opportunity of our lifetime.

Logic can conclude that there are matters beyond its realm.

How do we know what to believe? How do we ensure that we are not being lied to?

We must carefully apply our belief and make sure that it is directed by (directed by not based upon) understanding.

The 10th principal.

Why is it a principal?

What would Judaism look like without this principal? G-d’s knowledge is the basis of morality. It creates the relationship. This leads back to the translation of EMUNAH as faithful the interaction.

G-d’s knowledge

Aristotle understood that there is a cause to the world he called it the prime mover. The prime mover knows itself for it is intelligent, it does not know the world.

If it knew the world then the world would change it and that would be a shortcoming.

The Rambam says that Hashems knowledge is by knowing himself. Since he knows himself he knows the world.

When you know your body it is acquire knowledge, rather you know it by knowing yourself.

Knowledge and Free choice.

The simple explanation: you know there is gravity; you are not the cause of gravity.

That is regarding predictable phenomenon, Hashem who is beyond time knows out actions although we are the ones who make the choice.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Self Control

If I recall correctly this comes from the Rebbe Rashab:
When you have a taavah for something and you want to curb your desire. You must actually do something positive instead. It won't help to just not do it.