Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Just by looking at you I can tell that you have Yakov's personality. You are studies, you have a simple life, and your certainty not ambitious. And yet, somehow, just like Yakov, you are probably the most successful person I know.

You are self confident, you stick up for yourself and you could put up a fight when you need to. Most importantly, you have an impact on a wide range of people; from young to old, simple to smart, wealthy to poor.

Your successful because you aren't.

You are not trying to promote yourself - that would leave you frightened, overwhelmed, and limit your potential to the limitations of your personality. Instead you put yourself in the side, humbled by something awesomely greater then yourself. Along with your ego you put your fear and limitations behind you.

Everyone flocks to spend time with you because your ego does not push them away. All of the sudden you're smarter and kinder then you ever were. You don't recognize yourself because it is not yourself. You are limited. What you can achieve by letting go is not.

Sheep, the symbol of humility, was Yakov's chief possession. everything else he had - including his strength came from the limitless potential of humility.

(Leku"s Vol 15 Sicha 4)

Monday, November 23, 2009


I hope that we hear good news very soon.
Personally there seems to be a good argument from a Halachik and practical view that trading many for one is not the way to go and forbidden.
Yet, when I saw the news this morning all I can think of is the possibility for him and his family to be able to live again.