Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Power of Matzah

Moshe perceived his speech impediment as a serious challenge to the task of leading the Jewish people. Perhaps in today's society we would expect Moshe to overcome his handicap by bolstering his own ego, by telling himself how great and impressive he is, how Pharaoh will surely be swayed by the force of his personality.

Moshe does no such thing. He overcomes the challenge with the power of humility. By telling himself that it's the message, not the messenger, that is important. 

We tend to think that a humble person is, by definition, unambitious and weak. Moshe teaches that the ultimate strength comes from looking beyond one's self to the significance of the task.    

This, perhaps, is the lesson of the Matzah. To break free of one's limitations, one must look past himself, to the humility symbolized by the Matzah.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Calling Heart

To me, there is no description of a Jew studying Torah more beautiful the Alter Rebbe's:

"Torah study is referred to as “calling”, as a man calls to his friend to come to him, or as a child will call his father to come and join him and not to part from him, leaving him alone, G-d forbid".

You see the guy studying every free moment he has; he always has a book within reach; it's his only hobby. You assume he's the most intellectual person you know.

Nothing is further from the truth.

You see his mind trying to grasp the wisdom. Look a bit deeper and you'll discover his yearning heart.  

All he wants is to feel close to Hashem. 

His study partner, although reading the same page, is interested in the wisdom and is therefore in a completely different place. The study partner must, therefore, stop every hour to mediate on the fact the he is learning Hashem’s wisdom (Tanya). He has to make an effort to perform the Mitzvah of Study with a love and fear of Hashem.

The one studying because he wants to connect, because his soul is calling to Hashem, need not stop every hour; because his study is nothing but the expression of Love to Hashem.    
(Tanya Chapter 37)