Monday, November 14, 2011

The Power of Youth

The Akeidah is the greatest lesson of commitment to Hashem recorded in the Torah. We look to Avraham for inspiration to carry us trough the most challenging of times.

Avraham himself also learned something from the Akeidah: he learned the power of Youth.

Avraham commitment to Hashem was inspired by the revelation, yet Yitzchak was able to do the same without any revelation.

Only after the Akeudah did Avraham understand the power and strength of the dediaction of the youth.

Therefore, immediately after the Akeidah, the Torah writes: “Avraham returned to his lads”. He returned to the lads whom he taught about Hashem, yet he returned to “hang out” with them, to learn about true and enduring commitment to Hashem.

He returned to experience the youthful dedication, enthusiasm and perseverance.  

(A "Kutsker" Torah)