Saturday, January 31, 2009

Was I good? II

When something leads to bad it is bad. That's the way we (should) make decisions. And that's because our Yetzer Harah can come to us in a saints robe. Which would mean if I did something and it lead to bad then it came from my Yetzer Harah.

But wait, maybe when I did something good and it didn't lead to good, it didn't come from the Yetzer Harah it is the Yetzer Harah (Nefesh Habahamis). Because I did it to escape or the like, and that is just one of those things the Neha"b does (for good or for bad).


Anthemites said...

And BTW mitoich shelo lishmo boh lishmo.. so I'm not saying it's evil.
Just something I thought of.

Simons Kingston said...

What happens when something is a few step process does the last step transform the previous steps.
How about Yeridah LEtzoirach Aliyah. I think the diffrentiating factor is when somrthing is in our control and when something is not. If it is we are responsible for the outcome if not we do the best we can.

Menachem said...

If something actively leads you to do something bad (for example, if the thinking Chasidus leads you to believe that prayer is not important), then you know the original thing was no good. That, however, does not mean that every good thing must lead to another good thing. After all, it is possible that after thinking Chasiddus for a half hour the yetzer Hara wakes up and disturbs you from Davening, that cant be blamed on the Chasidus, that’s the yetzer hara’s fault.