Friday, January 30, 2009

Was I good?

I listened to a class online on Tzimtzum shelo kepshuto for an hour and a half, I spoke about it with someone for about an hour and then I thought about it for a while. I didn't daven properly afterwards. It must have come from the Nefesh habahamis. Because if it doesn't lead to doing more good then I really only did it for myself. So it didn't come from the yetzer harah it was my Nefesh habahamis for the neha"b is the soul in me that does things for myself.


Simons Kingston said...

I think you are being too harsh. I understand your point but for it to be good does it have to lead to instant results. Instant gratification is our generations failing point and I guess it probably is inappropriate even for Kedusha. All good things take time. That is Avodah. If not, we would all make the correct choices when we would see the result of our actions good or bad.

Menachem said...

Good point Sruley.

The following is a “Limud Zechus” and is just a joke.

Yossi: if you feel that the Tzimtzum is not literal and Hashem is the only reality, it should not take you too long to Daven. For you have already accomplished the goal of davening.

Anthemites said...

That's what I thought Menachem would write! We've had this out before. If when you do something good because you enjoy it does it mean it comes from the nefesh habahamis?

Actually, It wasn't meant to be about me judging myself. I'll rewrite it in another post.